
Violence Tax on Guns

ILLINOIS – A “violence tax” on guns has been approved in the Chicago area BY Cook County commissioners. City law prohibits gun sales in Chicago, but the $25 tax on every gun purchased in the county is meant to offset health care and other costs of gun violence, said Toni Preckwinkle, Board President. The average…


Amazon Collects Sales Tax in Massachusetts

MASSACHUSETTS – Beginning November 2013, Amazon.com will start to collect sales tax in Massachusetts. This comes after purchasing the warehouse-robotics company Kiva Systems, in North Reading, and open a technology office in Cambridge. Paul Misener, Amazon’s VP of global public policy said that the company looks forward “to creating hundreds of high tech jobs in…


Oklahoma Sales Tax Enforecement

Senate Bill 1984 took effect November 1, 2012 and will give the state Tax Commission the authority to shut down businesses out of compliance with paying state sales taxes. A business is considered noncompliant if for three months during a 24-month period the fail to report or remit sales taxes. Paula Ross, Oklahoma Tax Commission,…


Energy For Processing/Agriculture Exemption

IOWA – For certain types of energy used directly in processing/agriculture a sales tax exemption exists. Complete the Iowa Sales Tax Exemption Certificate for Energy Used in Processing/Agriculture (Form 31-113) to claim an exemption at the time of purchase. You will be required by your utility company to update the form and show documentation on…