
Late Filing Penalties

Texas – Certain tax payers will be assessed a $50 penalty for filing a report late, beginning with reports due on or after Oct. 1. Regardless of whether you subsequently file the report or whether any taxes or fees were due from the taxpayer for the penalty covered by the late filed report, penalty will…


Denver – Administrative Amnesty

Denver, CO – Administrative Amnesty started October 1 – December 30, 2011. It will cover sales, use, and occupational privilege taxes. Applicable tax years will be any period ending on or before 6/30/11. Penalties will be waived as well as 50% interest. zp8497586rq


Arizona – Statutory Amnesty

Arizona – Statutory Amnesty will end tomorrow October 1, 2011. Covers all taxes administered by the DOR except estate and ad valorem property taxes. Applicable tax years if filing annually 12/31/03 – 01/01/10, filing 52-53 week 1/14/04 – 01/01/10, and all others 12/31/04 – 01/01/10. All or partial penalties will be waived and partial interest…