Sales Tax Exemption on Clothing & Footwear
NEW YORK – Beginning April 1, clothing and footwear priced under $110 will be exempt from the state’s 4 percent sales tax. Each individual items need to cost less than $110, but the total cost of qualifying clothing and footwear can exceed $110. Exemption also applies to most fabric, thread, yarn, buttons, hooks, zippers and…
Sales Tax Rebate
LOVELAND, CO – Applications are now available at city offices and the House of Neighborly Service for low-income residents applying for rebates on grocery and utility sales taxes for 2011. Nearly 1,000 households qualifies last year for rebates that averaged nearly $150 each. Applicants must meet federal income requirements detailed in the application forms. Applications…
Statutory Amnesty
Missouri – Statutory amnesty coming up on August 1, 2012 and running through October 31, 2012. All taxes are to be covered for years prior to December 31, 2011. Both penalties and interest will be waived. Participants will need to comply with state tax laws for the next 8 years. $21 million dollars are…
Administrative Amnesty
Ohio – Administrative (City of Akron) amnesty in process through May 4, 2012. Taxes covered are any taxes owed to the city. Applicable years are 2010 and prior. Penalties will be waived, interest will not be waived.
Statutory Amnesty
Ohio Statutory amnest y in process through May 1, 2013. Taxes covered are consumer use tax. Applicable years are transactions done from January 1, 2009 and forward. Penalties and interest will be waived. Special provision is use tax owed on transactions prior to January 1, 2009 are forgiven.
Sales Tax Declaration Required
Arizona – The state is requiring you to declare how much sales tax you would have paid for online sales, as well as items purchase out of state, made in 2011. The Arizona Legislature passed a law requiring that the special line be added to the 2011 individual-income tax forms for reporting such purchases. The…
Should Amazon Collect Sales Tax for Virginia?
Virginia – Democratic leaders in the state House of Delegates said that the governor’s economic development package for the Internet giant is a bad deal for the state and unfair to other merchants who pay the tax. $135 million will be spent, bringing 1,350 jobs and two new distribution centers to suburban Richmond, announced Amazon…
Dentist Challenges Tax
Arizona – A dentist in Chandler is fighting the city’s effort to collect sales tax on Invisalign braces arguing that they are prosthetic medical devices not subject to tax. Invisaligns are custom-made, clear, removable covers that realign teeth and cost about $5,000, according to the manufacturer’s website. Municipal sales tax on that amount would be…
Mixed Beverage Tax
Texas – The Comptroller’s six-month grace period for filing alcoholic beverage sales reports by certain alcoholic beverage suppliers ends after the February 2012 report, due March 25. Penalties may be assessed on reports file late. The 82nd Legislature passed House Bill 11 in 2011 requiring brewers, beer manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, package stores holding local distributor’s…