
Seventeen States Offering Tax-Free Weekends for School Supplies

Back-to-school shopping can be expensive, but many states offer relief through tax-free weekends. This year, 17 states provide a tax break on school-related items like clothing, shoes, electronics, and supplies. Here’s a list of the states participating in these sales-tax holidays: Alabama Arkansas Connecticut Florida Iowa Maryland Massachusetts Mississippi Missouri New Mexico Ohio Oklahoma South…


South Carolina—Sales and Use Tax: Taxability of Extended Warranties and Inventory Withdrawals Explained

South Carolina: The sale of an optional extended warranty in conjunction with the retail sale of the taxpayer’s medical equipment, is included in gross proceeds of sale for purposes of South Carolina sales tax. However, the sale of an optional extended warranty not in conjunction with the retail sale of equipment, is not taxable. When…


South Carolina—Sales and Use Tax: Effective Date of Taxability of Buydown Payments from Tobacco Companies Revised to July 1, 2021

South Carolina: The South Carolina Department of Revenue  issued an information letter revising the effective date for the sales and use taxability of tobacco company payments to retailers, commonly known as buydowns, to July 1, 2021. In a previous Revenue Ruling (20-3), the department had stated that taxability of buydowns would be effective for retail…