2013 Sales Tax Holidays
ALL STATES – Sales tax holidays are just around the corner for 17 states. Each state has its own rules about what is exempt. During the designated days, clothing, computers and school supplies can be purchased tax-free.
Here is a list of states and dates of when they will have their sales-tax holiday and links for more information and list of qualifying items.
- Mississippi: July 26 – 27, clothing and footwear less than $100 per item. http://www.dor.ms.gov/docs/2013SalesTaxHoliday.pdf
- Alabama: August 2-4, computers up to $750 each, clothing up to $100 per item, school supplies up to $50 per item and books up to $30 per item. http://www.revenue.alabama.gov/salestax/STHolidayQuickRefSheet13.pdf
- Arkansas: August 3 – 4, clothing and footwear less than $100 per item, accessories less than $50 per item and school supplies. http://www.dfa.arkansas.gov/offices/exciseTax/salesanduse/Documents/holidayItemized.pdf
- Connecticut: August 18 – 24, clothing and footwear less than $300 per item. http://www.ct.gov/drs/cwp/view.asp?a=1436&q=509662
- Florida: August 2 – 4, clothing less than $75 per item, school supplies $15 or less per item, and computer and accessories $750 or less per item. http://dor.myflorida.com/dor/tips/pdf/tip13a01-04.pdf
- Georgia: August 9 – 10, clothing under $100 each, computer and realted accessories up to $1,000 each and school supplies $20 or less each. https://etax.dor.ga.gov/salestax/holiday/5-15-13_Georgia_2013_Sales_Tax_Holiday_Fact_Sheet.pdf
- Iowa: August 2 – 3, clothing and footwear less than $100 each. http://www.iowa.gov/tax/educate/STHList.pdf
- Louisiana: August 2 – 3, exemption applies to the first $2,500 of the purchase price of each item. http://revenue.louisiana.gov/sections/general/hottopics/salestaxholiday.aspx#ind-eligible
- Maryland: August 11 – 17, clothing and footwear $100 or less per item. http://comptroller.marylandtaxes.com/Public_Services/Agency_Information/Office_of_the_Comptroller/Comptroller_Initiatives/Shop_Maryland_Tax-free_Week/Taxable%20vs%20Exempt%20Items.pdf
- Missouri: August 2 – 4, clothing up to $100 each, computers and computer peripherals up to $3,500, computer software up to $350 each and school supplies up to $50 each. http://dor.mo.gov/business/sales/taxholiday/school/
- New Mexico: August 2 – 4, clothing less than $100 per item, school supplies $30 or less, computers $1,000 limit and computer hardware $500 limit. http://www.tax.newmexico.gov/SiteCollectionDocuments/Publications/Bulletins/bul-200-18-tax-holiday-item-list-july-2009.pdf
- North Carolina: August 2 – 4, clothing up to $100 each, computers up to $3,500 each, computer supplies upto $250 each, school supplies up to $100 each and sports equipment up to $50 each. http://www.dornc.com/taxes/sales/holiday_exempt.pdf
- Oklahoma: August 2 – 4, clothing and footwear less than $100 per item. http://www.tax.ok.gov/faq/faqsth016.html
- South Carolina: August 2 – 4, all purchases of clothing, footwear, computers, linens and school supplies exempt. http://www.sctax.org/NR/rdonlyres/45D2A22E-7E52-4153-9782-7EE4B262A844/0/RR107.pdf
- Tennessee: August 2 – 4, clothing $100 or less per item, computers $1,500 or less and school supplies $100 or less per item. http://tn.gov/revenue/salestaxholiday/
- Texas: August 9 – 11, clothing, footwear, backpacks and school supplies less than $100 each. http://www.window.state.tx.us/taxinfo/taxpubs/taxholiday/d/
- Virginia: August 2 – 4, clothing and footwear less than $100 each and school supplies under $20 each. http://www.tax.virginia.gov/documents/Sales%20Tax%20Holiday%20for%20Clothing%20and%20School%20Supplies%20-%20Lists%20of%20Exempt%20Items.pdf