
Texas Oil and Gas Effect on Revenue

Texas – Sales tax revenues from November 2016 of this year are down 1.1% compared to last year. Comptroller Glen Hegar attributes the majority of this to overestimating the oil and gas taxes would generate. “Sales tax revenue declined again due to reduced spending in oil and gas-related sectors,” Hegar said. “Remittances from other sectors,…


Event: Professional Forum Lunch & Learn

Join our sales tax expert Chanel Davis at the Professional Forum Lunch and Learn Presentation on Friday February  5, 2016. “Your Annual Sales Tax Check-up: Assessing Your Sales Tax Exposure and Risk” Many companies are focused on new product offerings, growing the business, and expanding into new territories. Have you determined how your business growth impacts…


Event: Professional Forum Lunch & Learn

Join our sales tax expert Chanel Davis at the Professional Forum Lunch and Learn Presentation on Friday February  5, 2016. “Your Annual Sales Tax Check-up: Assessing Your Sales Tax Exposure and Risk” Many companies are focused on new product offerings, growing the business, and expanding into new territories. Have you determined how your business growth impacts…


Event: Goldman Sachs – Business Opportunities Forum

Join our sales tax expert Chanel Davis at the Business Opportunities Forum Event on January 7, 2016. Register at: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/city-of-dallas-big-business-industry-group-forum-goldman-sachs-10000-small-businesses-tickets-19866526315?aff=mlt To request Davis & Davis LLC to speak at your next Professional Group Event, visit Schedule A Speaker. About Davis & Davis LLC – Sales Tax Experts: Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Davis & Davis LLC – Sales Tax Experts specializes…


TX Proposed Constitutional Amendment

TEXAS: Per Ballotpedia.org, The Texas Sales and Use Tax Revenue for Transportation Amendment, Proposition 7 is on the November 3, 2015 ballot in Texas as a legislatively-referred constitutional amendment. The measure, upon voter approval, would provide additional funding for the State Highway Fund.  The amendment would dedicate $2.5 billion of revenue from the sales and…